
under Secret Stories, Written on June 7, 2012

Dear Kary,

My name is _____________.

I was downloading some audio files after 01.00am which was taking forever from when I thought let me browse through their spiritual growth section and see what I can find.

First my eyes were attracted to Kasey Van Norman’s book Named by God, which had just loving the Holy Spirit within me because I see Him as My Beautifier….

Then I thought, let me explore further and then I came across your book title, Your Secret Name which got me curious. So I googled your name which revealed your website and which got me even more curios because I say a link to…then I SAW THE TEST!

I cautiously took the test wondering what would unfold. Who did I find I encountered God in different ways. As I clicked what I had believed was my given name and received God given name for me plus my secret name for God, I cannot tell how my face broke into the BIGGEST SMILE!!! I cannot express how with each discover, God made my smile GET BIGGER and BIGGER. Your website is the BEST GIFT GOD HAS GIVEN ME THIS YEAR!!!!

You see I have been looking for my ID but God knew EXACTLY what I needed…You don’t know my story, Kary. It is too long to write here. I just want to thank you for I will spread the word, buy the book etc so that people can be set free…

Just thought to let you know….


Many thanks and blessings!