Your Secret Name is a Life-Changing Message
We don't get what we want in life, we get who we are. The problem is, most people have a horrible self-image. Worse yet, we're never going to out-perform that self-image. If we see ourselves as a 2, other people will not raise our value to a 10.

Many people just wear a mask make it through life by pretending. In reality they feel like imposters in their own skin.
"We don't see things they way they are, but the way we are." —Anaïs Nin
We all have a self-image "set-point." Think of this as your internal thermostat. What do you know about thermostats? No matter the temperature outside, thermostats are designed to make the temperature inside stay the same. You can light a fire in the fireplace. You can even open the windows. Doesn't matter. Thermostats keep the temperature constant.
But transformation is possible...

As a Your Secret Name Certified Coach, we equip you with all the tools and resources you need to help people reset their self-image set-point. Through a powerful process—with you as their speaker, coach or trainer—they discover WHO they are and WHOSE they are.
Imagine being used to literally change someone’s life. It’s a humbling experience and yet as a Your Secret Name Certified Coach, it’s a common experience.
We receive thousands of responses from participants after we share this powerful message. However, below are a few of my favorites.

I lost my job this week and before that I received news from the company physician that I have some “issues” that need to be checked out sooner than later. Then in the middle of the Your Secret Name Conference–call me crazy but it was a God moment; no other way to explain it. As we went through the exercises, I did not hear my Name right away. Later that day I did hear my Name–it is CAPABLE and not INCAPABLE as the Enemy wanted me to believe.
—Tom, Corporate Businessman
Thank you for the Your Secret Name content. This is the longest I have gone without a bulimic incident—over 3 months now and counting! By going through the program I learned so many deep spiritual things. I feel it helped me in my intimacy with God and my ability to ask God genuine questions. I feel like God revealed His love for me in a new way. My life is forever changed.
Jenny, College Student

I just want to take a minute to thank you for all you did (along with your team) to put together an awesome conference. The prayer-saturated event was well worth the investment of time! God helped me to take a huge step forward realizing His love for me and knowing it now with my heart, not just my head.
Brian, Husband and Father
One word from the movie Braveheart kept resounding through my mind and heart yesterday: “FREEDOM!!! I want to shout it from the roof tops to tell everyone what an amazing God we have. I want to tell you yesterday was one of the most joyous times I have ever had since becoming a Christian. I shed buckets of tears—sad tears to hear the hurts, but then joyful tears to hear the rejoicing of free people. It was amazing to watch people throw off the lies of the Enemy and embrace God’s Truth about Himself and themselves. I heard chain after chain fall to the floor yesterday as each person became free.
Deb, Grandmother

I am so grateful God placed this content on your heart. I am so FREE! I had to shout it out loud outside with my hands lifted God Loves Me! God Loves Me! How freeing. There was so much love and prayer and the presence and guidance of the Spirit. I felt God’s grace being poured over all of us who need to know that the names of the Enemy are broken by who God says we are. It has forever changed my life and understanding of who I am in Christ.
Kim, Entrepreneur
Ideal Your Secret Name Audiences and Venues
Our certified coaches have shared this message on 6 different continents to audiences ranging from 5 to 95 year-olds. We’ve taught it to individuals, organizations, schools, churches, retreat centers, private practices, sports teams, and colleges to name a few. The message integrates perfectly within a variety of venues: seminars, workshops, conferences, intensives, weekly studies, and on-line.
Man or woman, senior or young adult, every person has wrestled with the lies of the labels thrown at us. We all need to discover WHO we are and WHOSE we are. And once we do…we experience the freedom waiting for us just on the other side of Truth.

We're all homesick for a place we've never been.
But God planted questions deep inside our souls so we’d eventually find our way back to him.
—Your Secret Name
More About Your Secret Name Message
You have 3 names:
- Birth Name–the name assigned to you when you arrived in this world.
- Given Names–the names you inherit walking in this world (positive and negative).
- Secret Name–the name granted to you by the One who made you.
We all have one–a Secret Name that is. Yet few of us know ours. Ignorantly, we’re stuck, caught up in the “Name Game,” searching for our true identity. It's time to go deep, past clichés to discover Your Secret Name and the vision God has for your life.
To the one who overcomes...I will also give that one a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to one who receives it.
—Revelation 2:17

Your Secret Name Coaches, Speakers and Trainers Receive:
Worldwide Certification: The ability to speak, coach, and train, any individual or group anywhere in the world utilizing Your Secret Name curriculum, products, and content.
Total Profit: You keep 100% of the proceeds, honorariums, and income you receive from your services.
Daily Support: As a member our private on-line community, you are encouraged to ask questions about your business and brand. We’ll respond back with tips, tools, and tactics to help you create quantifiable success and significance as a certified coach.

Video Training: Take a front row seat and we’ll show you exactly how we run our own live events, coaching sessions, and Your Secret Name 5 Week Journey programs. You’ll also receive videos of Kary’s keynote speeches. You’re welcome to customize these for your own speaking gigs.
Audio Training: Listen to over one hundred hours of Your Secret Name coaching calls, each categorized for an ultimate audio educational experience.
Transformational Resources: Kary gives you the exact same resources he uses when he speaks, trains, and coaches. This includes bumper videos, exercises, object lessons, slides, handouts, workbooks, and leader guides.
Marketing Tools: Digital downloads customizable for your own event.
Promotional Partnership: We list you and your bio on our website. Visitors are encouraged to contact and hire you through your Your Secret Name branded email address we provide you.
Global Community: Lifetime access to the Igniting Souls Tribe, our global community committed to each other’s personal and professional success.
Some of our Your Secret Name Certified Coaches, Speakers, and Trainers

Your Next Step
If you’re interested in learning more about becoming a Your Secret Name Certified Coach to speak, coach, and train on this content then please fill out the brief application below. We’ll evaluate your application get back with you promptly.