
under Secret Stories, Written on February 16, 2011

I have been a Christian since I was 9. I know where I was sitting when I realized my need for a savior at 9. There is no doubt when the “Good Work” God is doing began!

In the conference yesterday I felt some bandages coming off my heart. I have heard it said that when Jesus called Lazarus out from the dead he told others to remove his wrappings so he could be free! I felt that I was given some new tools to use to remove my grave clothes so I can live the “full life” Christ sacrificed so much for me to be able to live.

As a lay worker in my church I am anxious to apply what I learn to the live of others. Life is tough, we do get dragged through the mud!

Some of my Given Names are…. Stutterer…Divorced…Used Up…and Poor.

I am anxious to explore that precious ancient text, God’s Word to have some new insight revealed, to see what God’s future vision is for me.