Posts Tagged ‘concert’

Resistance Movement

under Secret Stories, Written on September 21, 2011

A “Hard Rock” group (Resistance Movement) emailed me recently and told me that Your Secret Name inspired them to write a new song called Secret Name. Although this style might not be your norm, I encourage you to check out their new album The Great Constant.

The lyrics to the song are below. Or you can find them on Facebook or MySpace

Secret Name

I can see the lights muffled bright
Off in the Distance
Try as I might, Dig in my heels
I can’t resist them
I can feel the wind Rushing fast
I’ve closed my eyes dear
Here take my hand, hold it so tight
I’m not sure where we’re going
Consider this: we are what we do
We are what we’ve done
All the things we’ve said
Will tell us if we’re dead
So if we reach that place
The place amongst the living
Will you keep us there?
We’re here for the saving
My heart has things
Worth undoing
Both my lungs
Have started losing

I’ll ignore the Labels
I will turn the tables
I won’t stay the same
Hear my secret name