Posts Tagged ‘Lisa Marie Brodsky Auter’


under Secret Stories, Written on March 10, 2011

I was once called INCAPABLE

Others took out my garbage.

Where I was lost then I was found

And my name is now


My God, Jehovah Tsur:

the Lord is my strength

And my song is

Psalm 144:4

Praise be to the LORD my rock, who trains my hands for war,

my fingers for battle.

I am WRITER for wars, hands ready to write

the sufferers’ stories,

my name

as author.

Upon death, my sunset,

I am Suffrage, not just

a right to do X,Y,Z…

but, archaically:

            a short prayer on behalf of somebody,

            especially a prayer said as part of

            a Christian litany

I am Behalf of the Everybodys

especially those who suffered

I write their stories and songs

Brittle fingers ready for battle.

Poem by Lisa Marie Brodsky Auter