Posts Tagged ‘storms’


under Secret Stories, Written on March 1, 2011

I am unsure on whether you are still doing the secret fast for every day of the year. But if you are I would surely like to join you in having a day to fast this year of 2011.

I just finished reading  Your Secret name that a friend lent me to read, in my struggle in finding that name God has for me. I have yet to find it but I know and have faith that the Lord will tell me that name when HE knows I am ready to hear it. I feel I am ready to hear it right now and know what it is, but I also know Christ knows what is best for me better then I do myself.

I have been given many Given Names and a lot of them haven’t been very nice. It is hard turning off that old tape in my head and turning on the new but God is so merciful and Mighty and has been helping me a great deal. I would like to share my testimony if you would like me to do so. I however have an issue shortening it the way I should and it ends up being pretty long.

God is so wonderful and Awesome and I know HE is working in my life. I wouldn’t be where I am today without HIM and I praise HIM in all things that I do Even in the Storms of Life.

Thank-you for writing the book Your Secret name.  I truly enjoyed it immensely. And it has been of tremendous help

God bless and I have said a prayer for you today.