Posts Tagged ‘i know who i am’

I KNOW WHO I AM – private chat via phone or Skype

under Secret Stories, Video on February 2, 2012


When you know who you are and whose you are the world becomes an exciting place. You feel confident, centered, fearless, and free. On this special evening we’ll spend 6o minutes live with Kary Oberbrunner, author of Your Secret Name, as he teaches us how to achieve greater clarity about our identity.

On this call you’ll discover:

  • An ancient promise which reveals that you have a new name written on a white stone
  • The difference between your Birth Name, your Given Names, and Your Secret Name
  • How men and women differ in their strategies to win at the “Name Game”
  • How to overcome the chronic personal pain in your life
  • How to tap into your true potential and step into the destiny your Creator designed for you
  • How modern movies give us a glimpse into the story of Your Secret Name
  • A community who believes in you and shares your passion for personal development

Join us for a complimentary chat (landline, cell, or skype). When you register for this exclusive event we’ll send you our private phone number ( and/or instructions how to log in with skype.


Yesterday is ashes. Tomorrow is wood. Today burns brightly. -Old Eskimo Proverb