Posts Tagged ‘troubled’


under Written on July 29, 2010

I listened to your radio interview on the Chris Fabry show last week.  After listening, I wanted to see what might my Secret Name on a white stone name might be.

Nervously, I waited about a week and then I visited your website.I can’t believe what happened.

My  37 year-old daughter hasn’t spoken to me  or let me see my new grandchild for over a year now. It has been very painful and hurtful. She says she is a Christian.

I am a born again child of God. God has worked so many truths in my life in the last years. God spoke a verse to me the day my daughter was so cruel to me…Psalm 46:10. I keep saying that verse over and over as the days wear on and Satan attacks me.

I decided to visit your site and see my new name. I reflected on what my Given Name is, and I decided that the world has given me the name TROUBLED. I clicked on it and the new name CALM came up.

The amazing part is that the verse listed with that new name is Psalm 46:10!

Be still and know I am God.

Cold chills ran up and down and I strated to cry because God is so good to me.

I wanted you to know how God used you and Chris on the radio. With great love for you I am sharing this. I learn every day how God is taking care of me and educating me about His Word.

Thank you!