Posts Tagged ‘alone’


under Secret Stories, Video on November 24, 2010
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under Secret Stories, Video on November 22, 2010
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molested and alone

under Secret Stories, Video on November 19, 2010
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under Secret Stories, Video on November 17, 2010
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abandoned by mother

under Secret Stories, Written on October 15, 2010

Wow!  What a powerful book.  I want to thank you for sharing your journey, thoughts & what God has taught you.  I am blown away at the hope and encouragement I’ve received!

One of the most prevelant names I have taken on in my life is “ABANDONED“.  My Mom left our family when I was 8 years old and the pain of that and what followed shapes who I am a great deal.  My journey of healing began 13 years ago and still continues. 

At 40, after reading your book, I realize how I continue to hold onto that name at times.  As I read Isaiah 49:15, I cried: 

Though she may forget, I will not forget you.

El Roi.  The God who sees me.

There is much to process.  I am currently battling through some anxieties and the timing of my reading this is God’s.  I can’t thank you enough.  Your vulnerability throughout the book will touch many lives.  We have been doing this book as a study here in Dublin.  It’s been a blessing to many of the women.

May God continue to bless you through your ministry!  Thank-you for blessing me.


under Video on September 15, 2010
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Miscarry, Sex Addict, Alone

under Written on August 31, 2010

PERSON 1- I have been struggling with my identity in Christ for a while now. Our current situation has left me without purpose, or so it feels. It feels as though I am at a complete standstill and I am struggling to find purpose. We miscarried early in the summer, we are looking for a new home while living with friends because of an ugly family battle over a house that was left behind after the death of my mother. It seems that everything that I was used to is now turned on it’s head.

PERSON 2 – I spent years struggling in sexual addiction, and I am on the other side at this point.  God has done amazing things in my life, but I still find myself lost in shame over my past.  I have let it go and moved on countless times, but I still come back to that place where my guilt overwhelms me.  I know God has forgiven me, but I can’t forgive myself all the time.   Who I was is still haunting who I am, and I can’t seem to shake it. 

PERSON 3 – My husband has left, my children have graduated from college, and I am alone.  I am trying to figure out who I am by myself, and what God in mind for the second half of my life.