Posts Tagged ‘your secret name conference’

You have to give up to go up. Especially on March 3rd.

under Secret Stories, Written on February 24, 2012

It’s called the Law of Sacrifice – You need to give up to go up (Thanks John Maxwell).

  • Next Saturday at our Your Secret Name Conference, you could learn how to be more free.
  • You could learn more about who you are and whose you are.
  • You could learn more about your purpose and destiny.

But to do that, you’d have to give up something.

  • Time
  • Money
  • Routine
  • Staying Home

But most would rather not. So most people get exactly what they want – nothing. They don’t want freedom, hope, or purpose enough to invest in it. They don’t believe in themselves, enough to make a change. And so they stay the same.

If you’re willing to invest $30 and 8 hours in your future, then join us next Saturday March 3rd in Powell. And if you’re not completely satisfied I will refund your ticket, no questions asked.

Need proof that it’s worth your sacrifice? Read these 10 testimonies or watch this video.