Posts Tagged ‘your secret name’
under Secret Stories, Written on October 25, 2010Every once in a while you read a book, and you just know that your life will never be the same. It feels like a personal message, meant just for you. And it becomes more than a book: it’s an experience. I’d like to share my experience with you.
Each of us, whether consciously or unconsciously, is seeking our purpose in life – our identity. We want to know who we are and why our life matters in the grand scheme of things. As we go through life, we are given labels or Given Names that describe how others see us; and then we often spend the rest of our lives trying to live up to or to live down those names. But God has a Secret Name for each of us, a name that describes how He, our Creator, see us. Discovering our Secret Name is a journey that leads us to a deeper relationship with God and the beginning of truly understanding His plan for us.
As author Kary Oberbrunner compared his journey to finding his Secret Name with the story of Jacob in the book of Genesis, I could not help but see similarities in my own life and realize I’d spent too long “playing the Name Game.” I learned very early in my life that I could get recognition by being an Achiever. The more awards I won, the more top grades I received in school, the more I improved my musical talents, the more people seemed to see me as a valuable person.
This worked well for me until age 16 when I suddenly became “The Sick Girl,” and I could no longer keep up with everyone’s expectations of my being “Most Likely to Succeed.” In my senior year of high school and through my freshman year of college I struggled just to get out of bed in the morning and stay awake through classes, but I did my best to put on a front that I had it all together as usual. But by the end of my freshman year I had begun to have major health problems and could no longer stay in school.
That’s when I first noticed that I was becoming Invisible. I worked hard at improving my health and would have periods of remission where I would force myself to perform at work or at church so that I could have that feeling of being special and important. But inevitably my health would fail me again, and I would begin to feel Isolated and Abandoned by my friends and family. There were times I was out of commission for up to 6 months at a time, but I rarely had a phone call, email, or visit from any of those people I’d been trying so hard to impress.
I felt Worthless and Forgotten, like I was a “Non-person.” And as my health issues began to affect my weight, I no longer even recognized myself in the mirror. Pretty soon I was just a Fat, Sick, Depressed Person who meant very little to myself or anyone else. In the midst of a two-year downward spiral in my health and a series of events that left me feeling completely Invalidated by everyone in my life, I decided that my life was no longer worth living. And I attempted Suicide.
Despite all the difficult circumstances over the past 17 years, I always felt God’s presence and would see His hand at work in my life. I heard Him whisper loving assurances to me and would often picture Him holding me and singing over me, as in Zephaniah 3:17, “The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love,he will rejoice over you with singing.”
When Kary asked us at the end of the book to picture ourselves alone before God and to imagine what name He would call us, I immediately heard God say:
I see you. I hear you. I remember you. You are precious to me.
I immediately was drawn back to Zephaniah 3:17 and discovered the name Zephaniah means “treasured by God.” That’s when He confirmed to me that the words I heard Him say all described me as His Treasure. When God looks at me, he values me as a precious treasure, of so great worth that He would never abandon, forget, or overlook me. And I don’t have to earn a list of achievements to be treasured in His eyes.
abandoned by mother
under Secret Stories, Written on October 15, 2010Wow! What a powerful book. I want to thank you for sharing your journey, thoughts & what God has taught you. I am blown away at the hope and encouragement I’ve received!
One of the most prevelant names I have taken on in my life is “ABANDONED“. My Mom left our family when I was 8 years old and the pain of that and what followed shapes who I am a great deal. My journey of healing began 13 years ago and still continues.
At 40, after reading your book, I realize how I continue to hold onto that name at times. As I read Isaiah 49:15, I cried:
Though she may forget, I will not forget you.
El Roi. The God who sees me.
There is much to process. I am currently battling through some anxieties and the timing of my reading this is God’s. I can’t thank you enough. Your vulnerability throughout the book will touch many lives. We have been doing this book as a study here in Dublin. It’s been a blessing to many of the women.
May God continue to bless you through your ministry! Thank-you for blessing me.
under Secret Stories, Written on October 14, 2010Hi, I am writing to let you know that I have just read “your secret name” and think it is one of [if not the best] Christian spiritual books I have ever read.
Easy to understand, yet at the same time very deep. It really has changed my life. I can so relate to the concept, and to some of your earthly names [including cutter]
I have always been fascinated about how in the bible God gave some of his followers new names, I always wondered if God thought of all of us by a different name.
I would recommend your book to all Christian people, it really does help free us from names [or as some would call them labels] amongst my names are fat, cutter, depressive, chocoholic, depressive…having read your book I now realize none of these are helpful and none can be how God thinks of me.
I am looking forward to learning my secret name and have sent an email to take part in the fasting too….I thank God that you wrote this book, I believe all Churches should read this to their congregations, it has the power of the spirit in its words and truly can and will change lives.
Your sister in Christ.
under Written on September 14, 2010I started cutting after my senior year of high school. I was tired of feeling alone. I didn’t let anyone in. I put on a mask of happiness, love, Christianity, and joy. You could have asked anyone at my church, my friends from school and even my parents and they would have told you that I was the “perfect Christian girl.” I mean I didn’t smoke, drink, or do drugs. I went on missions trips, went to youth group, and went to church camp every summer.
Deep inside I knew I was missing something; I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
I was yearning for love, but I was looking in the wrong places. I looked to the people of this world to find my joy and happiness and acceptance, and when I didn’t find it…
I struggled with EDNOS which is an eating disorder that isn’t classified as anorexia or bulimia, though it contains parts of both. I starved and if I ate, it didn’t stay down for long. I considered myself ugly and fat and unlovable. I had friends, but none that were really close that I really trusted. Eventually I just started blaming myself for anything and everything. That would be when I started to cut. If I cut a word into myself, it was ugly. I hated my appearance.
It’s really hard to explain exactly why I cut because honestly I don’t have to words to say how I was feeling. I cut really deep a couple times and realized I should probably stop, so for a while I did. Then I relapsed.
I had a guy friend that I shared a lot with. He helped me feel needed, but he took advantage of the situation and raped me. I felt completely hopeless and alone. I was so angry at myself for being there and not stopping him.
I had a friend that called me the night I relapsed with cutting just to make sure I was alright. I hadn’t told him anything had happened. The Holy Spirit used him to lead me to the Lord.
My Father who loves me unconditionally! He has helped me so so so much to see just how blessed I am and that I am free!
I still feel the need to cut at times, and to be honest, I have relapsed since then. What I really need is to fully embrace His forgiveness; I just haven’t yet. But I know that God’s got me. He will protect me and he cares about me! I’m His child and He will never leave me!
under Written on September 8, 2010The first time I was called a slut I was 12.
I am not sure why they called me that. I wasn’t flirtatious and I still looked like a little girl. At 14 my sister called me a whore because some boy like me instead of her. But I stayed pure.
At 20 I married my husband and I were both virgins. But those names would not go away. I always wondered if that was what I really was. Then one day a few years later, something horrible happened.
I blamed myself.
I felt what everyone was saying about me was true. After all if I wasn’t a slut and a whore, it would never have happened to me. I never told anyone for 7 years. When I did finally tell, my husband was wonderful. However, our pastor didn’t believe me. Even though the man who victimized me had victimized others. He told me I was to blame.
They ostracized our family.
I lost all of my friends.
Even my sister said, “She is just my sister, but you are my pastor.”
The rejection was horrific. We finally moved away from the small town. Yet, the Lord was faithful. I began working for a ministry that helped to heal me. Yet, my self-esteem sank. I could not trust people. I kept men and women at arms length. I felt betrayed that God would allow such a horrible thing to happen to me. I kept him at arms length.
But He refused to let me go. He sent wonderful people into my life. He slowly drew me back to Him.
Then tonight I discovered, I was never a slut and never a whore. These were lies. That is not who I am. Christ knows who I am. He gave me the name Beloved. The test gave me the name Washed.
I am His Beloved and He has Washed me from from the filth I thought was me. He has known all along that was never me.
He knew. He loved me, even when I didn’t believe He loved me. I am no longer a victim. I am no longer in prison. He knows my name. He knows my heart. He knows who and what I am…clean and loved.
under Secret Stories, Written on August 2, 2010On Sunday night I was trying to fall asleep and couldn’t. Now, I grew up in a church where God speaks…but mostly, if not only, through the Bible and the preaching of His Word. So I was very skeptical about what happened next.
While I was lying there a question came into my mind as clearly as if someone had spoken it to me:
Are you living up to your name?
At first I was confused. The only meaning I’ve ever found for my name is aborigines and it means “boomerang.” It’s a cool meaning, but I’m not really sure how one lives up to such a name. At the recollection of the meaning of my name, I cynically and sarcastically thought, “Oh yeah, no matter how many times people try to throw me away, I just keep on coming back!”
But then the thought came again:
Are you living up to your name?
It got me thinking and I came to a conclusion. If my name is meant to identify me, if my name is something that is supposed to say who I am, then I don’t even know my name. That bothered me. So I prayed:
If this is a question from you God, I need you to tell me what my name is because I don’t think I even know it.
I’ve been thinking about it and waiting for an answer. I tried to think of what the question could mean, but I didn’t want to tell anyone about the question because, to be honest, I thought it sounded kind of crazy.
Yesterday, I saw a postcard in the local bookstore that read, “Your Secret Name: Discovering who God created you to be.” I’m pretty sure my friends thought I had lost my mind with the way I reacted to it.
I have been looking on the “test” portion of the book’s site and have discovered so many of the names that the world has given me or that I have claimed for myself: CUTTER, BURDENED, UNPROTECTED, UNLOVED, ALONE. My whole story is a long one that traverses many hurts done by a family hiding behind happy plastic church masks and those who, long ago, I attempted to open up to about what really went on in that house. But I have found so many truths already to counter the false names that I have let others give me and that I have claimed for myself.
I am continuing the search for my name and I cannot wait to see what else God is going to do as others begin searching for their names too. I’m already amazed by the stories I’m reading on the book’s site.
Thanks for letting God use you!
under Written on July 29, 2010I listened to your radio interview on the Chris Fabry show last week. After listening, I wanted to see what might my Secret Name on a white stone name might be.
Nervously, I waited about a week and then I visited your website.I can’t believe what happened.
My 37 year-old daughter hasn’t spoken to me or let me see my new grandchild for over a year now. It has been very painful and hurtful. She says she is a Christian.
I am a born again child of God. God has worked so many truths in my life in the last years. God spoke a verse to me the day my daughter was so cruel to me…Psalm 46:10. I keep saying that verse over and over as the days wear on and Satan attacks me.
I decided to visit your site and see my new name. I reflected on what my Given Name is, and I decided that the world has given me the name TROUBLED. I clicked on it and the new name CALM came up.
The amazing part is that the verse listed with that new name is Psalm 46:10!
Be still and know I am God.
Cold chills ran up and down and I strated to cry because God is so good to me.
I wanted you to know how God used you and Chris on the radio. With great love for you I am sharing this. I learn every day how God is taking care of me and educating me about His Word.
Thank you!
The Occult
under Written on July 22, 2010I was saved as a Senior in High School in December of 1986. I had been involved in the occult and had seen (and heard) many strange things. Over Christmas break, I picked up a rather thick commentary on the Book of Revelation, and read the entire thing. I accepted Christ as my Savior when I read Revelation 21:21. Thereafter, my entire life changed, and even though I didn’t know anything about going to church, I read the Bible voraciously.
That summer, I was sitting in the driveway, leaning against the garage door, when the Lord spoke to me very powerfully the words of Haggai 2:23:
In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the LORD, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts.
I read the words but they were aimed DIRECTLY AT ME. I was in shock. I closed up the Bible, and refused to even look into it any further for over a year; it took me about 5 years before I could mention it to anyone else.
I eventually studied it out, and found that the name ‘Zerubbabel’ means (as far as they can tell), ‘scattered in Babylon.’ Big whoop, huh?
I continued to look for answers. Eventually, the Lord spoke to me through Zechariah 4:7:
Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it.
This verse has greatly shaped my life as I have studied God’s Grace and found freedom from religion, etc. But I still didn’t understand. Why this name? Why “scattered in Babylon”?
Last month, 25 years after the first revelation of this name, I went on a missions trip to Azerbaijan. The week before we left, our team leader told us that the ‘book for the trip’ was to be Haggai; the missionary in Azerbaijan had chosen this as the source for our devotions while we were there. My ears perked up; I knew something else was going to be revealed. While in Azerbaijan, the Lord showed me that Zerubbabel’s mother had named him based on her current conditions, not based on what God could do in his life. Zerubbabel was NOT scattered, nor was he in Babylon! He was in Jerusalem building the Temple! (Sometimes the labels other people give us are completely wrong!)
Today, I realize that this is a church planter’s name. ‘My birth name, Christopher’, means ‘one who bears Christ,’ like an evangelist, but ‘Zerubbabel’ is the name of a man who lays the foundation of a new work for God. And he finishes it by God’s GRACE.
I look forward to seeing how God continues to unfold this name in my life. It is extremely humbling to tell this story, and I feel very vulnerable sharing it, but I think it may help others.